Genitalia in a sentence as a noun

If you think you deserve some type of different treatment because of your genitalia, you're part of the problem.

It sounds like you're arguing that men have to "earn" not having their genitalia discussed or being mocked for their loneliness.

Within moments, you’ll wish you had whipped out something less offensive, like your genitalia instead.

I don't. What I do believe is that differences exist between men and women beyond genitalia.

I think it's fascinating how people can claim that a group is homogeneous from skin color and genitalia alone.

You end up with truly ridiculous sex in porn where there is no physical contact between the two parties except at the genitalia.

Amusingly enough, the phrase "don't be a *****" originally had nothing to do with genitalia.

Clearly there is a difference between "logo" and "logo referencing female genitalia".

This has absolutely nothing to do with anybody's X or Y chromosomes, genitalia, or gender identity.

Software development is a male-dominated field, and the objectification of body parts is much more prevalent with women's breasts than with male genitalia.

I understand that genitalia aren't generally supposed to be discussed at professional conferences, but am finding it very hard to see why this is an issue of harassment towards "women in tech" when no women were in the conversation at all.

Now imagine that you had to go to conferences like this if you wanted to further your career and you had to put up with an undercurrent of secret sexuality where jocks joked about having sex with geeky boys and demonstrated technology to spy on their genitalia.

Genitalia definitions


external sex organ

See also: genitals privates crotch