Gathering in a sentence as a noun

Farming beat out hunting and gathering because it was more fit.

I was arrested when I was 18 after a guy I was with was caught selling mdma at a gathering in the desert.

This is the same women who said "It’s called protecting America" when defending the NSA's gathering of phone call records.

I started with gathering data on what makes programming hard, he looked at history to see what made programming different.

The 5 seconds you make eye contact with someone and say hi to them are vital for gathering your senses, and starting this interaction a new. If you didn't say "hi, how are you", ******* clients would rub off on you and you would smear that bad vibe on all subsequent clients.

Climate science is about gathering data, putting forth a testable hypothesis and seeing how future data fits the prediction.

If youre complaining about government spying on the Internet, or in a gathering of programmers, and you wont take basic steps to do anything about it, then youre a hypocrite, full-stop.

That is our experiment file, designed to examine a theoretical "infinite" cache's performance for data gathering purposes.

He donates his products to almost any tiny technical gathering, shares a lot of info on his business, and provides a great product and excellent service to customers large and small.

The dark side to gathering such a broad, seemingly untargeted, amount of information is obvious, he said.“It is the height of naivete to think that once collected this information won’t be used,” he said.

The President clarifies that--despite much of what campaign rhetoric made people believe he thought--his concern is not whether we should be enacting these intelligence gathering programs that target everyone and attempt to hide behind policy rules, not laws.

If the information that is being gathered is about safety, then why isn't the government isn't creating a massive program to strictly monitor highway speeds, traffic roadways, and increase traffic safety then?Answer: The information gathering has nothing to do with safety.

My concern has always been not that we shouldnt do intelligence gathering to prevent terrorism, but rather are we setting up a system of checks and balances?So, on this telephone program, youve got a federal court with independent federal judges overseeing the entire program.

My proposal for a duel is, of course, a sample size of 1 plus the number of smart drug users who come forth to take the duel, and has other problems as a data-gathering measure, but I offer the duel to illustrate that I think that anyone can improve in smarts, for any real-world purpose, in a lot of ways that are better than taking poorly understood ***** pushed by smart drug hucksters.

Why, when these leaders are allowed to lord it over us as they see fit, should they suddenly develop scruples in gathering information that only serves to enhance their power to do what we are already letting them do without so much as a peep of principled opposition?Privacy is in significant peril, and it is a serious loss when Groklaw goes down over this issue.

Gathering definitions


a group of persons together in one place

See also: assemblage


the social act of assembling; "they demanded the right of assembly"

See also: assembly assemblage


the act of gathering something

See also: gather


sewing consisting of small folds or puckers made by pulling tight a thread in a line of stitching

See also: gather