Gastric in a sentence as an adjective

Naso-gastric tube feeding isn't new and people spend long times on that.

Any gastric problem has that same simptom, so if it persists, go check for them.

Why not sell naso-gastric tubes with instructions for fitting?

Why are you guys doing this that will probably fail, take you 10 years to realise it failed and cause you gastric ulcers of massive proportions?

What happens when you develop unexpected gastric issues mid-30 minute journey?

"For instance, a gastric hormone called ghrelin, often dubbed the hunger hormone, was about 20 percent higher than at the start of the study.

We have the abbreviated lumen, but lack the aggressive gastric chemistry of a carnivore.

The same thing that happens when you develop gastric issues on a 30-minute helicopter tour, as the minister in a wedding ceremony, or in a dentist's chair.

Same thing that happens if you develop unexpected gastric issues during a 30 minute plane flight, I'd imagine, since you'd spend the whole time strapped in for take-off and then landing.

It is not uncommon that the line between ethical and exciting and unethical and dystopic is drawn at "voluntary".Imagine if we gave gastric bypasses to fat people against their will.

" In which case, what advantages does Soylent have over all the other products?Other products come in a range of flavours; you can get unflavoured versions; you can get savoury versions; you can get formulations designed for naso-gastric feeding and, importantly, they've got many dietitians and registered nutritionists working with them.

Gastric definitions


relating to or involving the stomach; "gastric ulcer"

See also: stomachic stomachal