Garrulous in a sentence as an adjective

I guess Indians are a more garrulous people!

Thankfully I've always been garrulous, though I'm sure other people don't see that as a blessing.

Here are four words I don't know in just the first paragraph: garrulous, taciturnity, voluble, reticence.

It's too garrulous, periphrastic, and it behaves like a puppet "director" attempting to recursively "show" the user where to look or go "next" on a page.

The verbal GRE seems irrelevant to a scientific field, and it seems pointless to rule out international applicants because they don't know the meaning of the word "garrulous.

Yet, who is to say beings beyond our comprehension wouldn't think the same of us?Unless of course that was your point this entire time and I just stupidly repeated it in a more garrulous manner.

I'd suggest that it's not so much the particular words, it's that all the "oddball" words in the sentence are directly Latin-derived -- garrulous, taciturnity, voluble, reticence.

Furthermore, it's certainly not up to the service providers: if I find my work is being slowed down by a garrulous teenager on their phone, I'm gonna find a better service that will provide me what I actually pay for.

I feel like the author was having a lot of fun with his thesaurus:"He has a lifelong habit of collecting garrulous friends and yet a tendency to induce some measure of taciturnity in all but the most voluble of them.

Garrulous definitions


full of trivial conversation; "kept from her housework by gabby neighbors"

See also: chatty gabby loquacious talkative talky