Gamble in a sentence as a noun

Do you trust the system enough top gamble your own life or that of your loved ones?

They are willing to gamble that they will eventually eclipse ARM cores in this area.

It appears, though, that they gambled and lost and not without detriment to themselves.

But that's not a gamble I want to make, especially because the fight for Internet freedom hasn't been lost yet!

Every sale becomes a huge gamble, and as a result you tend to throw an immense amount of resources at every sale.

The decision to launch without backups was a legitimate business gamble.

The executive's job is to Make Decisions and to gamble with the company culture and operations.

Gamble in a sentence as a verb

[6]To make room in the spectrum for RCAs latest gamble, television, FM radio users were to be moved to a totally new spectrum band.

In particular, what do you do when you don't have extremely in-demand skills, and cannot readily take the gamble on being back in the market for a new job?

Bezos is in for a very long gamble, and that frustrates the **** out of some investors, but its lofty enough to still attract investment dollars while in the "build-first" stage.

That was the gamble apparently made by the Winklevoss brothers - that they would be able to exact a much larger settlement as a result of their leverage obtained from having the issues re-opened.

The US only has themselves to blame, this isn't about protecting people from addictions because lets face it if you want to gamble legally you can go to a casino and if you want ***** you can walk down to the corner and if you want booze you can go to a bottle shop or bar. What's the difference between Internet gambling and going to a casino?

[Not to mention that the market doesn't care one bit what your time would need to have been worth to make the gamble worth it for you, nor the fact that increasing your burn rate actually decreases the chance that you'll succeed at all]Your time is only worth whatever you can reasonably expect it to be worth, and that has to include the chance that it's worth $0.

Gamble definitions


money that is risked for possible monetary gain


a risky act or venture


take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome; "When you buy these stocks you are gambling"

See also: chance risk hazard adventure


play games for money