Fruitless in a sentence as an adjective

But finding "smart nerds" is an almost fruitless endeavor as well.

With the fruitless/mindless attacks from the comments, I can see the crowd is still about the same.

It is vain and fruitless to try to glamorize a pickled version of the things of a bygone era, as the author here does.

At this point I think it's pretty fruitless to apply to do a PhD without having prior research experience, ideally with a publication. I may be getting too jaded and pessimistic though.

Conversations among people are messy, emotional, many times fruitless, and non-linear.

As peoples' immunities build, that's going to become increasingly fruitless from an economic perspective.

The fruitless gene locus also controls the expression of hundreds of other genes,[6] any subset of which may actually regulate behavior.

It's larger than you think: since we find the for/against VC/RMS debates rather tiresome and fruitless, except for the purpose of clarifying our own world views, we don't end up saying much.

Interestingly, Hamilton's discovery of the quaternions was the result of a long and fruitless search for a three-dimensional analog to the complex numbers.

The incentive to preserve and protect is much smaller, because you can just fish in international waters or sneak over to somebody else's waters to fish, and conserving in your own waters may be fruitless because other people will come a'fishin!Basically, one giant global tragedy of the commons.

I still remember the days when I was so dissatisfied with my lack of writing skills that I decided to devour the subject with a non-stop investment of thousands of hours of work specifically aimed at improving those skills - and the seemingly fruitless results of what seemed to be mediocre output at the time - only to wind up, in time, with some degree competence in that area, competence that has served me well professionally and otherwise as I now exercise that skill set in various ways.

It's sad to see this stuff but totally understandable considering the divide between the technology people who understand the reality and the people in charge of dreaming of a fantasy that gets them back to the '80s..Yes I know.. I was an executive as a major record label, trust me it's hard to be on both sides of this argument and it's not as simple as everyone makes it out to be...I can't explain how many times I tried to help executives understand that the path between the media to the human eye or ear was vulnerable to so many attacks it clearly was a fruitless goal to protect media in that way.

Fruitless definitions


unproductive of success; "a fruitless search"; "futile years after her artistic peak"; "a sleeveless errand"; "a vain attempt"

See also: bootless futile sleeveless vain