Frugal in a sentence as an adjective

Story of my life, Ed. I am your poster boy who lives "cheap" and not "frugal" by choice.

I hope the frugal engineering works out for them.

So if you're pretty frugal, you can definitely get by with $5-7 USD a day for food + drinks.

Every time I mention "frugal" above, I really meant "cheap", but I was trying to be nice.

But I can’t shed my frugal habits that led me to this place, even though I feel like I’m living “high on the hog” here.

Buying a cheap electric drill is frugal if you only drill a few times a year, which makes the drill last for decades.

I'll estimate that if you are really frugal and have to design this from scratch you are looking at a cost of about $500K.

"We only get one chance at this life, and the thing that bothers me the most is, "What are you missing that you're too frugal to consider?

For a single person my monthly grocery bill could easily go to 400-500 dollars in NY, and I used to be fairly frugal.

However, after living frugally for a couple years I saved up enough money and decided to travel the world.

It was also a frugal, based on an Earth-orbiting satellite design that was repurposed for a deep-space mission to Mars orbit.

I'm not a pathological case, but I've done things that would make some people cringe.- Seeing people successfully live frugally can be a motivator to follow in their path.

They have "door desks" -- which actually cost them more than regular off the shelf furniture would-- but they pretend like they're being frugal to perpetuate the perception that they're a startup.

I'm increasingly uncomfortable with the perception that colleges are living large while tuition rates climb, and I feel we should be more conspicuously frugal to combat it.

It makes sense to buy quality items for what you love: if you love riding a bike then investing in a quality bike is frugal because it saves you and the environment from unneeded consumption and hair-pulling.

You can't have the top of the line computer, screen, home theater, coffee grinder, washing machine, mattress, toilet seat, motorcycle, car, bike, camera, video camera, clothes, shoes, accessories and consider yourself frugal.

Amazon's internal existence is a depressing cycle of: hire people, people spend eons learning how the previous guys did it, people write code, people get fed up and leave, hire more people, people spend eons learning how the previous guys did it...If any Amazonian management is reading, I have one thing I really want to drive home: stop being so ******* "frugal" with equipment.

Frugal definitions


avoiding waste; "an economical meal"; "an economical shopper"; "a frugal farmer"; "a frugal lunch"; "a sparing father and a spending son"; "sparing in their use of heat and light"; "stinting in bestowing gifts"; "thrifty because they remember the great Depression"; "`scotch' is used only informally"

See also: economical scotch sparing stinting