Frontmost in a sentence as an adjective

Also worth noting that it still triggers when it's the frontmost tab in an unfocused window.

The one you can't afford to miss: Command-`\tActivate the next open window in the frontmost application

I wish that unoccluded or maybe just the frontmost window could be unredirected too, even if it's not fullscreen.

It holds the most critical pieces of information: frontmost and unmistakable, the speed, in huge, high contrast lettering.

The usual window movement via titlebar or window snapping app requires the moved window be frontmost/focused, so there's a switching back and forth required.

You're frontmost task could be high resolution, but ancillary tasks could be lower resolution or high resolution but partially occluded by your field of vision.

Working on iOS which is written in a typed language, then compiled and deployed to a simulator that automatically takes the frontmost window position I've never had a problem working on just a laptop.

On a related note: Use BetterTouchTool to re-bind four-finger upward swipe to tile/untile open windows in the frontmost application, and re-bind four-finger side swipe to activate the next/previous open window in the frontmost application.

Frontmost definitions


preceding all others in spatial position; "the foremost compartment of the ship"

See also: foremost