Friar in a sentence as a noun

My teacher was in his sixties, and being a friar, had never been to France, or even Brussels.

Does this mean that i should get one of those friar tuck cloaks, a copy of PoEAA, and start preaching about martin fowler on street corners?

"A pardon for Peppino, called Rocca Priori," said the principal friar.

This can be a contentious topic; are you saying that if you are not friar in the mission of the Gang of Four that you are not a programmer?

This "paradox" was noticed by various cultures around 800-900 AD. However, the written rules was done by Luca Pacioli, a friar, in 1000 AD.

Friar definitions


a male member of a religious order that originally relied solely on alms

See also: mendicant