Fresher in a sentence as a noun

Who knows, maybe my app will look fresher in an iOS 7 context.

I engaged with both platforms, and Tumblr, quite simply, felt cooler and fresher.

Ants follow the principle because ants that followed a faster path tend to lay a fresher scent trail.

What if I just ask for "application/json" or the "freshest" due to ignorance and you move the target and get even fresher?

But in the future, healthy food will be cheaper, fresher and will find you, hopefully making **** truly uncompetitive.

The end product tastes better -- fresher, richer, more interesting -- than ordinary Coca-Cola.

Sure, your current job isn't expecting you to be working, but they are expecting you to be getting rest and relaxation, and be able to come back fresher, not, say, come back stressed out after not quite cutting it for a week at another company.

If I had rolled along with the strip's popularity and repeated myself for another five, ten, or twenty years, the people now "grieving" for Calvin and Hobbes would be wishing me dead and cursing newspapers for running tedious, ancient strips like mine instead of acquiring fresher, livelier talent.

Fresher definitions


a first-year undergraduate

See also: freshman