Freighter in a sentence as a noun

It's a new 747 freighter variant and was on a test flight.

A super fact freighter would solve that problem.

> How are there not satellite photos of the plane changing course and landing on a freighter or something?

How are there not satellite photos of the plane changing course and landing on a freighter or something?

Often times, this isn't the case; it's more like a freighter being held together with duct tape and shoestring, and through some miracle, it floats.

The current 747 fleet is rapidly being transitioned by most operators into freighter roles.

Folks who are interested in this in terms of lack of distractions might also want to consider doing commercial freighter cruises.

A 500 horsepower engine is pretty awesome, until you drop it into a cargo freighter.

You can actually play a freighter pilot or a producer or miner/gatherer and nothing but that and be just as successful as a fighter, if not more!

Only the smallest civilian turboprop aircraft would have any hope of landing on a flat-top freighter without arresting gear.

So you would cancel this test flight of a new 747 freighter variant and possibly end a multi million dollar program just because they flew it in the pattern of the number 12?

All this makes me think of is "In order to transmit the same amount of information on paper, they would have to arrange for a 747 cargo freighter packed with telephone books and encyclopedias to power-dive into their unit every couple of minutes, forever.

It is one of the very few "role playing games" where you instantly and automatically take on a role and play it both in and outside of the game - you decide to be a warrior, you play, act and talk like a warrior; if you want to produce or be a freighter pilot, you can also do that at just as much depth.

Freighter definitions


a cargo ship; "they did much of their overseas trade in foreign bottoms"

See also: bottom merchantman