Freebooter in a sentence as a noun

"Power will go to the hands of rogues and freebooters.

They aren't robbed of views - they didn't have those views in the first place and didn't create them - the freebooter did

Seems like the only recourse content creators had against freebooters until now.

They do have rather a lot of freebooter ""cyberwarfare"" people, though, usually engaged in credit card fraud and the like.

Maybe Facebook should take a page from porn and link-skim an equivalent number of page views from the freebooter to the victim.

One of the things I hate about the current algo is that I get suggestions from freebooters who upload pirated content.

Annoyingly they take long enough to process that the freebooter has already ridden the viral - and revenue - wave to shore.

We already know that Facebook has profited tremendously from the freebooters.

The English "settlers" in what is now Virginia were aspirational freebooters, hoping to follow in the footsteps of Cortez.

The article kept referring to the people who value the name the most being the ones who eventually own the addresses, but that doesn't stop big enough freebooters from squating on address smaller creators with less funds need.

How do I get a trusted public key for cute videos of my cats that doesn't create an infinite well of keys for freebooters?So maybe we can't just sign, we have to add in DRM so that only authorized player widgets can even decode the video in the first place.

Freebooter definitions


someone who takes spoils or plunder (as in war)

See also: plunderer pillager looter spoiler despoiler raider