Frantically in a sentence as an adverb

He gagged and frantically gasped for breath as water filled his throat.

So I'm frantically trying in my spare time to build a raft so I can find my own island.

So she frantically ran back to the tribe pleading with them to let the old woman live.

Dev's were frantically searching the code for the bug, Sys admins were rifling through server logs.

During that time you frantically look for a job that includes healthcare coverage.

I bet I'm not the only one frantically checking their field of vision for anything resembling black spots after reading this.

Meanwhile, Google is frantically scrambling to buy up its own patent portfolios and is filing its own patents like mad to position for the future.

Start coding frantically, making sure to have an elegant, modular, reusable code-base5.

Rarely do I get those mad-scientist frenzies where I'm typing away frantically trying to get all the words down as they come into my mind in a flash of inspiration.

Pro: Eliminates the sinking feeling I get when an rm with wildcards is "taking too long".Con: All my files are gone before I can frantically ctrl-c to save some of them.

"An appealing theory that gets frantically upvoted may have well-understood but non-obvious drawbacks.

Every single artist, musician, movie studio, and producer in the world will beat a path to your door, frantically scrambling for their checkbooks and trembling as they hover over a check with the pen asking "how much?!?

To name just one thing that would be far harder in a normal market: open a Bitcoinica account, deposit $10 000, buy $50 000 in Bitcoin, sell BTC really expensively at Mt Gox as the system frantically tries to rebalance.

I had to hear this from a fellow customer who heard it from support, as I was searching my inbox frantically wondering why they hadn't given me a heads-up about an incoming-any-minute-now reboot yet.

I spent an hour frantically trying to figure out where our main web servers had gone, only to discover that a "online anti-terrorism team" had taken issue with some user-submitted content that didn't seem very friendly towards Americans.

Frantically definitions


in an uncontrolled manner; "she fought back madly"

See also: madly