Fragrance in a sentence as a noun

It is a tad sour with chocolate fragrance.

This what good brands do as well: Chanel No5 sells a fragrance, but people buy feeling and smelling attractive.

I also love and admire Milla Jovovich and try to collect as many of her fashion/fragrance ads I see.

?=Pinrose is a well-funded startup that is bringing fragrance into the 21st Century and online.

Some fragrances might work better in a professional vs. dating environment.

We reduce the pain from the trial and error process of finding great fragrances by leveraging technology, scent science, and social science.

Window-shopping online and offline for the perfect couch, jewelry, fragrance or other consumer goods that is marketed to me.

I recently interviewed Suk Chan the founder and CEO of Soukenberi, an eco-friendly home fragrance and bodycare brand.

Interestingly, it would also be rather easy to counterfeit, assuming the fragrance isn't impossible to nail down.

There's a tendency to think that we're all very unique in our preferences, but think about it -- the only way you could really know that, is if you were to already have all of data of what many other people's preferences are. Do we really already know?I study food, fragrance, software and other types of product preferences.

In the retail marketplace, the primary differentiation between one kind of cleaning product and another is the marketing, advertising, and associated superficial differentiations: coloring, fragrance, and so forth.

Fragrance definitions


a distinctive odor that is pleasant

See also: aroma perfume scent


a pleasingly sweet olfactory property

See also: bouquet fragrancy redolence sweetness