Formative in a sentence as a noun

While The web-side of things is still very much in the formative stage, it's actually further along than most people think.

So during what we might refer to as my 'formative years' as a programmer none of these really nice languages made it to my computers.

Even if it is only during your formative years, it is most definitely a different perspective than never having to rely on food stamps in your life.

And it's extremely unlikely for folks to go through their formative years of learning these things without one or more excursions into dangerous behavior.

I'm not sure if most of the commentators here are joking or just being too subtly sarcastic, but truly the best predictor of a person's success is the success of his parents during his formative years.

Formative in a sentence as an adjective

Stifling openness, creativity and non-conformity in formative years gives a person the ability to achieve a definition of success in our world.

I used it for so long and during such a formative period of my overall programming career that I can read/write C code with virtually no spin-up time even though I find myself touching C code very rarely.

" - OBL, 2004So yes, it's very fair to suggest that his goal was to get Afganistan and Iraq invaded given that his formative years were spent, in his mind, bringing down the Soviet Union by provoking them into a protracted and costly battle in Afganistan.

About the only true obstacle in his way has been his race--which is decidedly a huge one to have overcome, especially in America, where racism is still deeply embedded in our society in a number of ways, and was much much worse during his formative years.

With whom?And for all this wondrous hospitality, which was so instrumental in my formative years and my coming of age, so inextricably bound up in who I am today, with so many friendships and experiences that continue to endure, to forever be fixtures of my fond reminiscing and my imagination, my parents and their peers routinely got harassment from the state department of family and children's services.

Formative definitions


minimal language unit that has a syntactic (or morphological) function


capable of forming new cells and tissues; "a formative zone in developing bone"


forming or capable of forming or molding or fashioning; "a formative influence"; "a formative experience"

See also: shaping plastic