Formalize in a sentence as a verb

I use grids and I try to adhere to a baseline, but I don't actually formalize this into my markup.

Maybe rokhayakebe can keep posting these for another few weeks and, if it's still going strong, we can semi-formalize it then.

Once you formalize what "works entirely in terms of ordinary finite integers" means, it turns out that the answer is no!

You need an Engineer to take the statement "I want a Sudoku solver" and formalize that into "I want to use this algorithm.

Standards bodies are meant to formalize technology that already exists.

If you try to formalize exactly what "use it correctly" means, you will likely arrive at something very similar to Rust's system.

User comments pointing to better urls for a story are helpful—so helpful, in fact, that I'm working on a bit of software to semi-formalize them, so we'll be more likely to see them all.

Fundamentally, I'd like to see something well-executed help formalize the process behind what motivated Andrew's awesome Django migrations kickstarter [2].

I now know that I am indeed capable of understanding the concept, but only by thinking about it in a different way than most math people do. I suspect, however, that my intuitive way of thinking about it would be more difficult to formalize and make rigorous, so in the end I am dependent on the mathematicians and their way of thinking, even if I can't as easily understand things in their terms.

Just like how people who aren't artists, if asked to draw someone's face, will end up drawing the abstraction of a face; people who aren't Engineers, if asked to formalize a system, will end up describing the vague, hard-AI-complete, "and then it just does what you'd expect okay!?

> Kuwait is very cash based for this stuffalso, there is no personal income tax or vat, so they can legally post whatever at any time and any quantity and put 100% of cash straight into the pocket - no need to formalize those transactions, no IRS hunting your instagramic wealth.

"...when some field is just getting started and you don't really understand it very well, it's very easy to confuse the essence of what you're doing with the tools that you use...""...Well, similarly, I think in the future people will look back and say, yes, those primitives in the 20th century were fiddling around with these gadgets called computers, but really what they were doing is starting to learn how to formalize intuitions about process, how to do things, starting to develop a way to talk precisely about how-to knowledge..."

Formalize definitions


make formal or official; "We formalized the appointment and gave him a title"

See also: formalise


declare or make legally valid

See also: validate formalise