Foreword in a sentence as a noun

1000's of hours for "push stick forward, vehicle goes foreword".

It would be better to buy the book, start with the foreword by C. Kinbote and read through to the end of the index.

Peter Thiel says this in the foreword:---"Unlike the other animals, we have knowledge of death.

Why not have this person write about this in the user forums and then link to it from the official blog with a foreword from Elon?

As such, I suspect they're a lot more work, whereas you could bash out a good 3-4 page foreword for a programming book in a few hours if you had the relationships or experiences to lean on.

Fantastic, if for nothing other than Dennis Ritchie's "anti-foreword":"Here is my metaphor: your book is a pudding stuffed with apposite observations, many well-conceived.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news--perhaps somewhat mitigated by the lack of hardcopies--but it's 'foreword' and not 'forward'.That is, unless this is either some technolingo or inside joke that I'm not privy to.

Foreword definitions


a short introductory essay preceding the text of a book

See also: preface prolusion