Forethought in a sentence as a noun

People grew tired of that, and they started willfully, and with forethought, breaking the law.

This is a situation created with malice and forethought.

You have to have the forethought to retain the install image to be able to install it in future.

The code I maintain is pre-frameworks; it's got no DRY, no separation of concerns, no design forethought at all.

But the point is that with a bit of forethought, even poorly-optimized python code by a newbie was sufficient to solve all three parts of this question.

It seems out of place to be upset by what appears to be an automatic door, but some forethought suggests this is substantially different from what it replaced.

How did developers become so lazy, and so coddled that we desire convenience over security or forethought?

" Computer Chess programs appear immensely intelligent, and we subscribe forethought and intentions to them, but in reality they are just algorithms.

You don't seem to appreciate the amount of forethought she not only felt she had to commit to, but self-control to execute her communication that way, and that it still didn't work.

Every time I wanted to simply use a map, grep, anonymous function, or multiple items returned from a function, I was reminded of how much better it could have been if a bit more forethought was put into it.

This is not exactly nefarious, even to the severely-damaged-evil-meter version of nefarious which includes "intentionally and with forethought committing the sin of marketing.

>>This is not exactly nefarious, even to the severely-damaged-evil-meter version of nefarious which includes "intentionally and with forethought committing the sin of marketing.

Forethought definitions


planning or plotting in advance of acting

See also: premeditation


judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger; "he exercised caution in opening the door"; "he handled the vase with care"

See also: caution precaution care