Foretell in a sentence as a verb

The exact nature of the altered state isn't easy to foretell.

Unless you can foretell the future, the only safe way to go is to assume that it will.

It's like xml diffgrams for json?that wouldn't foretell an optimistic future for this.

If you could foretell the future you'd just buy lottery tickets or place one-way bets on the stock market.

In Roman times, 1 million people believed that you could foretell the future by 'reading' the entrails of animals.

It's impossible to foretell what people will get annoyed by, so you might as well give them as few things to get annoyed by as possible.

Please, what number of cats did not leave the ship before a fatal voyage?Before one start to worship cats as some divine creates that can foretell the future, maybe some critical thoughts are in order.

So, listen to our latest cautionary tales and shudder appropriately because the purpose of scary stories is not to foretell the future but forestall it.

' Legal conventions are a form of social technology, and can not be taken at face value this way, any more than nontechnologists can foretell the future from blinkenlights.

Shun wishful thinking, ignore divine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell," avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places?

">> "to declare or indicate in advance; especially : foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason"Neither of those definitions have any semblance of implying causation.

"If you can get me x by the 12th instead of the 15th then I'll give you 2 days to work on your side project on company time".Its also the case that as a manager, you're overconfident about your abilities to foretell the usefulness of an idea to the firm.

"to declare or indicate in advance; especially : foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason"A prediction is therefore the use of observations of A to predict B, to show a cause-effect relationship.

Certainty, fidelity On the stroke of midnight pass Like vibrations of a bell, And fashionable madmen raise Their pedantic boring cry: Every farthing of the cost, All the dreaded cards foretell, Shall be paid, but from this night Not a whisper, not a thought, Not a kiss nor look be lost.

In the same vein I might be a liberal but be looking for a multitude of opposing views and ideas when googling "core values of NRA members".Oh btw, we engineers, our algorithms, aren't smart enough to foretell people's inclinations based on their past habits, we also can't read minds.

Foretell definitions


foreshadow or presage

See also: announce annunciate harbinger herald


make a prediction about; tell in advance; "Call the outcome of an election"

See also: predict prognosticate call forebode anticipate promise


indicate by signs; "These signs bode bad news"