Foreboding in a sentence as a noun

You can easily have a dark foreboding alleyway just off a bright, well-lit street.

Socializing was more taxing, my inbox more foreboding.

Good catch -- and really, I find it to be quite foreboding in terms of how indomitable it is precisely because of the secrecy of the program.

It felt like being part of the Chinese Cultural Revolution where everyone was getting over excited but with a foreboding sense of dread hanging in the background.

"..."That foreboding was validated after the three thousand units finally arrived and Stone and Judy found that operators had little interest.

Foreboding in a sentence as an adjective

Abstract monad derivations are quite a foreboding introduction.

>especially its eye, looks menacing, ominous, foreboding, malicious, malevolent, and borderline evil.

Given the government's increasingly open hostility toward anything resembling liberty or reason, I had developed a foreboding about how quickly things might devolve into totalitarianism.

Whoever created it could only have been thinking of their bureau's unchecked ability to do what it wanted and not the public's perception of it because the creature, especially its eye, looks menacing, ominous, foreboding, malicious, malevolent, and borderline evil.

Foreboding definitions


a feeling of evil to come; "a steadily escalating sense of foreboding"; "the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case"

See also: premonition presentiment boding


an unfavorable omen


ominously prophetic

See also: fateful portentous