Fording in a sentence as a noun

It's like running through shallow puddles half the time, not fording a stream.

At another point, she hops down onto a bus fording a canal and runs halfway across it and stops.

An Oregon Trail reference that remembers that fording the river never, ever worked.

I don't think the original purpose was to be able to behave like a boat, more for fording deeper rivers in combat situations.

Meanwhile, I saw an amazing cabin this fall that had a stunningly low price because it still requires fording a major river to access.

Go read about the early history of Id software, for example, and then tell me that stealing company equipment at night and fording rivers is somehow easier work than being one of a few persons of color at a YC demo day.

Fording definitions


the act of crossing a stream or river by wading or in a car or on a horse

See also: ford