Forceful in a sentence as an adjective

Nobody can argue that because there are no signs of forceful sex. IMO, this is crazy.

And the most forceful way to avoid such a catastrophe is again to limit the power of the state.

The next time I read an article of yours, I might be one of the ones who agrees or even wishes you were more forceful. But I did like the article and thank you for writing it.

I feel like this a very forceful response to something, but I don't know what. I'm missing some context to be able to make sense of the article.

I wish this problem could be solved in a less forceful manner. Sadly, banning is the most effective solution I've found.

> Mounting a forceful defence of the NSA, Obama said: "They’re not abusing authorities in order to listen to your private phone calls, or read your emails." Yes, they are.

Many times, the solution to an agonizing problem comes when we are far away from it, displacing forceful thought for casual reflection. I know my best ideas sneaked in just like that.

I'm sure some companies do such a thing and just bundle it up with the cost of the product itself, but I'm curious if any companies took a more forceful stance.

It is great if you need something forceful with books or documentation in the beginning, but in time, the organization should mature to the point where agile/scrum/whatever is actually too much. One last thought.

This was driven home forceful to me in elementary school, quite a lot of years ago but it stuck with me. A friend of mine, who is now a very successful medical doctor and still quite close to me to this day, would walk around the yard with me at any recess.

If you can live with the stigma of forceful association to these classes, you can make decisions purely on the personal merits of a product, though that doesn't mean it's always worth the effort. I live in one of the wine-themed states of Germany, close to France.

I suspect the 'senior developer' has similar feelings about OOP to my own; he just sounds a lot more forceful about them. I don't think either position is necessarily 'right', but he's probably not a good person for you to work with.

We're going to lose conferences, and we're going to lose people who feel uncomfortable with this forceful imposition of ideological attitudes.

But the forceful, repeated, insidious denial of the existence of that privilege is a problem: it reinforces the privilege and allows it to feed on itself.

Even in the most free countries in Europe or Asia the idea of an unrestricted, unfiltered, uncensored is under forceful attack. In countries like China, India, Turkey, or Russia the internet is already censored or filtered.

I would recommend giving business to alternative sites as much as possible to break internet monopolies that are setting the stage for these forceful policies.

I don't know, I generally like to think the best of people, but every time I've interacted with a salesperson, I've spent the entire conversation with the forceful emotional impression that they were insulting me and trying to take advantage of me. And I never buy anything from them.

A quick google suggests 2% mortality rate and 3% H-aI. Even if padded, looking at his stats - 15,000 surgeries performed and operating since 2001; if it were really so bad I suspect complaints would be much more forceful and he would not be so profitable. Being profit motivated and no frills gives incentives to pay attention to waste, errors and quicker reaction time in dealing with those.

Maybe it's a gentle reminder of how hurtful and counterproductive these kinds of attitudes are, or maybe it's a forceful "I never want to hear that **** again" - depends on the type of personality you're dealing with. Regardless, you need to have the difficult conversations with friends or colleagues who act this way, because turning a blind eye and ignoring the problem doesn't help anyone.

The NSA slides are highly damaging to American service providers, thus they are trying to be as forceful as possible in these statements. There are already European government officials calling for the discontinuation of American services and for the development of European alternatives.

There seems to be a growing tendency at the moment in the UK at least for people with politically conservative views to express these loudly, prominently and repeatedly in a more forceful tone than they could otherwise use, with an I'm only having a bit of fun, it's just a joke, can't you just grow up and take it? tacked on to the end, trying to belittle those who might take offence at their assertions.

Forceful definitions


characterized by or full of force or strength (often but not necessarily physical); "a forceful speaker"; "a forceful personality"; "forceful measures"; "a forceful plan for peace"


forceful and definite in expression or action; "the document contained a particularly emphatic guarantee of religious liberty"

See also: emphatic