Footfall in a sentence as a noun

I'd argue that the sampling frequency is each footfall.

Trying to parse it and do not understand what "footfall at high-street traders" means.

Retail real estate is all about increasing footfall, not just the size of it.

But then it wouldn't make sense for Sears to be there in the first place if the footfall opportunity wasn't there or couldn't be created there.

As mkehrt says.>"Wonder how closely footfall at high-street traders equates to their revenue - pretty close I'd imagine?

And shops do his there is an entire specialisation in market reaserch in doing footfall analysis ie where people walk in shops why do you think they know to put sweets next to the checkout in supermarkets.

The ORBs aggregate all footfall around a pod for three minutes and send back one annonymised aggregated report from each site so the idea that we are tracking individuals again is more style than substance," says Memari in an email.

Footfall definitions


the sound of a step of someone walking; "he heard footsteps on the porch"

See also: footstep step