Folie in a sentence as a noun

We're going to see Borg-scale folie a deux.

** I am looking at all those modders that got folie des grandeurs and turned into studio with 7 years dev.

Reading this reminds me of a quote about the charge of the light brigadeC'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la guerre, c'est de la folie

It is a "folie à deux" except with two replaced with N. It is also absolutely great in bringing out the worst in people and rewarding them for it and the worst part is that attempts to replace it manage to wind up even worse!

Current front-end web development is a folie a plusieurs where worse is better and outright nonsensical is the ideal.

Folie definitions


(psychiatry) a psychological disorder of thought or emotion; a more neutral term than mental illness

See also: disturbance