Floaty in a sentence as an adjective

The layout is doing some squishy, floaty things.

It looks very strange and floaty and doesn't play with touchpad gestures in Chrome for OSX.

Sure I shouldn't make such presumptions, but if you wrote float floaty_var = 4. f; int inty_var = floaty_var; You would generally expect that inty_var would equal 4 and not 3.

They do not 'flow' enough out of the buttons so they feel floaty and disconnected to their trigger.

But I assure you that at least its goal is doing more than making a few people feel happy-floaty about giving money.

With the auto-reveal and floaty arrow was similarly brilliant. I still use it to this day.

The whole thing is rock solid, attractive, durable, and if I took more time to do some cable routing, it'd look really "floaty" and free-standing.

Thankfully the floaty parallax nonsense can be turned off. This mixpanal page never got passed the loading data display, but I also saw a bunch of errors in the dwev console too.

It hides the floaty sidebar thing when the window is narrower than the main page content. Totally unintuitive, but better than leaving it there, which is what most sites do.

In Quake 1-3 I felt heavy/bulky, like my body didn't collide where I expected it to, Tribes 1 and 2 were very floaty, etc. HL1 was so natural.

Improve gravity and friction, a bit too floaty and the lack of friction means i can pull out entire mid sections in one fell swoop without loosing the tower.

The later games, although much more detailed, with a larger character, had a weird floaty feeling to the controls that I never quite enjoyed playing as much. That said, I loved all the games and it was an amazing sense of discovery.

A very light dose of ketamine makes everything feel a little floaty and weird and sort of funny. It's fairly distracting, and staying focused takes extar work, but complex and useful insights just sort of materialize in your head.

Jump height that's modulated by initial or continued velocity feels weird and floaty and a bit hard to precisely control. I finally broke down and found a detailed analysis of the physics maths used on the original Super Mario Bros.

You should be aware that the left is vehemently against liberalism, as it presents such a rosy view of current society that it reduces the terrible things happening to being some floaty idea that doesn't apply to Me. As liberal media are doing currently by saying that Mandela was just a peaceful protestor.

Com/articles/enter-the-void,52931/ Here's part of my favorite comment on that article: "The whole thing plays out like a video game cut scene that never ends, or a rail shooter in which the controller has stopped working; first person, limited third, floaty bits-- it seems to borrow a lot of gaming grammar for its visuals, intentional or no. Old-timey comics used to throw around adjectives like "mindbending!"

Floaty definitions


tending to float on a liquid or rise in air or gas; "buoyant balloons"; "buoyant balsawood boats"; "a floaty scarf"

See also: buoyant