Floater in a sentence as a noun

I now have a brown floater that takes up about 5% of the right eye's vision.

The Subscribe by Email floater is what drove me batty, on a laptop.

How about the one where the "flare"/share floater bar covers the text if the browser isn't >1293px wide?

100 years ago, jobs like barrel maker, timber floater was among top 10 jobs.

How about going to IT departments that have "floater" laptops and seeing how long the drives hold up in those?

Everyone's doing sequential deals, and you do the first floater/inverse IO deal.

* Middle-clicking the scroll wheel doesn't bring up the analog-ish scroller floater.

Perhaps labs should come with computer scientist hacker floater technicians?

It was, as he described it, “a turd floater” of a storm, bringing everything from the bottom of the lake to the surface.

While others were lapping around the pool, I remember swimming backwards somehow while holding a floater.

Radiation levels also increase really close to the center.> But could you imagine being one of these floater solar systems?

My path also upsets the existing chain of command, since I'm outside the norm, and so I'm treated like floater that just kind of gets bounced around.

I'm solidly American, but I know that definition of "floater" also.

> I don't particularly like the design of this site, as I find it difficult to look atAs someone who didn't realize I had a permanent eye floater until browsing this site, I agree.

I felt like a floater all through high school and college, like I didn't belong anywhere, but around age 30 I started viewing that as a source of strength rather than of weakness, and "I belong everywhere" rather than "I don't belong anywhere".

Sometimes I am really proud to be a Somali; we have got to be the most full-**** people on this planet ..The guy is from Boosaaso; if there were Sharia there, the Islamists would hang him in the center town for Piracy before the thought of taking his floater to see crossed his mind.

Floater definitions


spots before the eyes caused by opaque cell fragments in the vitreous humor and lens; "floaters seem to drift through the field of vision"

See also: spots


a debt instrument with a variable interest rate tied to some other interest rate (e.g. the rate paid by T-bills)


a wanderer who has no established residence or visible means of support

See also: vagrant drifter vagabond


an employee who is reassigned from job to job as needed


a voter who votes illegally at different polling places in the same election


a swimmer who floats in the water


an object that floats or is capable of floating


an insurance policy covering loss of movable property (e.g. jewelry) regardless of its location