Flit in a sentence as a noun

If you don't randomly flit from fad to fad you are "doing the wrong thing"?

You can flit in and out of a cocktail party easily.

Maybe there are rare butterflies who can flit from hostel to hostel and feel good.

When the flitting around thoughts stop you can use your mind more willfully, more like a tool.

The impatient among us flit around on 6-month second hand rentals.

It would be a bit like subreddits but more dynamic, the subreddits would flit in and out of existence.

My eyes flit around the first page looking for a place to land; the logo and the slogan next to it go unnoticed for a bit.

I guess we're supposed to be excited about currency being able to flit around like a panicking moth?

If you don't randomly flit from fad to fad you are "doing the wrong thing"?That wasn't what I suggested at all. My point is that you shouldn't be so focused on one language that you can program in that and that only.

Flit in a sentence as a verb

The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place.

Creative people always have a temptation to flit around from one idea to the next, and the shiny can take us off task so older ideas never come to fruition.

Freedom as ability to flit randomly from A to B to C, with no obligation or responsibility, is useless.

Tweaking button color on your signup form will, provably, do more for your business than optimizing for the opinions of folks who flit between new web services like mayflies with less spending power.

Most software shops, though, don't have good managers - it's too easy to get promoted into it without any experience, or to just flit from company to company without ever learning how to do it well.

The employees and the owners get ******, but executives get to flit about from one cushy job to another on account of building a web of connections that makes them effectively invincible.

Kids can flit about because everything around them doesn't overwhelm with context, whereas the elderly have experienced enough that any context switch carries a burdensome overhead.

They might come in to the shared workspace for two weeks and flit from company to company solving an amazing quantity of problems... and then they go and hide under their bed for four weeks and you don't see them again for a month.

Let's phrase it another way: Is it good to make decisions about your future while 60% of your brainpower is focused on cleaning dishes?You'll do both things more efficiently if you give them your all rather than having your attention constantly flit between them.

Flit definitions


a sudden quick movement

See also: dart


a secret move (to avoid paying debts); "they did a moonlight flit"


move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart; "The hummingbird flitted among the branches"

See also: flutter fleet dart