Fledged in a sentence as an adjective

Also good to know Rust is living up to its goal of being a fully-fledged systems programming language.

I do not mean this to sound cynical, but are people actually building full-fledged web apps with these frameworks?

Firefox's web console doesn't let me do this because in "Window" mode it doesn't quite act the same as a fully-fledged window.

Four years ago I began work on my own feed reader, NewsBlur, and it's now a full-fledged Google Reader competitor.

Its become a full-fledged content management system, burdened with a lot of unnecessary complexity for those that are just looking to manage a blog.

The simplicity and flexibility of Excel make it great for one-offs and random hack jobs that don't require a new application or full-fledged report.

Instead, the different enumeration members are fully-fledged values in their own right, with an explicitly-defined type of CompassPoint.+100 for that.

Objective-C has been implemented using a full-fledged compiler for decades.

Am i the only one seeing this as a high-end computer with :- Linux drivers working out of the box- Amazing screens- Very easy to transform into a full fledged Linux development machineI hope it can fit the bill, certainly looks promising from that perspective !

This reminds me of an interesting question posed on reddit in /r/programming a few years ago: if you were stuck in a room with a blank PC with only a floppy drive and disk, what's the bare minimum that would need to be on the disk for you to eventually write a full-fledged operating system[1]?

It is easy to say that you can derive, say, the utility of "zero" without ever doing any arithmetic -- just as it is easy to say that you can be a full-fledged computer scientist without ever touching a computer -- but in practice?It's true that the presence of a supercomputer in everyone's pocket will change this argument significantly.

I've had the same experience the past few years with car maintenance.- I can find any owner's manual online.- I can find detailed instructions for any type of repair in written form or in a Youtube video.- There are free online courses for anything from changing a tire to becoming a full-fledged mechanic.- I can find and order any part of my car at wholesale prices.- The same diagnostic software that repair shops use can be downloaded for free.

Fledged definitions


(of birds) having developed feathers or plumage; often used in combination

See also: mature


(of an arrow) equipped with feathers

See also: vaned