Flaky in a sentence as an adjective

You say flaky, I say assholes who don't respect others' time. And way to move the goalposts re: your friend would be happy comment.

The staff will be flaky. There will be problems, constantly and forever.

- Wireless and 3G data are flaky, and 4G is not working at all, yet. Right now, my impression is, despite its flaws, pretty positive.

I used to be happy with it, but then the GPS broke, and camera became flaky, not to mention lack of Android updates.

Certain return with someone you trust is 10x better than a "certain" return from a flaky agent. Nullify any agreements that don't put cash in the bank and give you more risk than reward.

Auto-complete has always been incredibly flaky for me. And personally I find that reaching for the credit card is the point where I think, "do I really want this?"

You get four nines right out of the box unless you go out of your way to choose a flaky platform. My customers do actually call from time to time, but it's not the sort of thing I'd consider getting out of bed to worry about.

I'm sure she learned a lot from this experience, but she seems to write off the deserters as flaky. I'd be asking myself what I did or what lies I was telling myself that made me think I had co-founders when I really did not.

Snide for sure, but there are quite a few good points in there if you read carefully: "In devops we have best minds of generation are deal with flaky VPN client." "Single point of failure in private cloud is of usually Unix guy with neckbeard."

Blunt and to the point: "Depending on a product with a flaky delivery issue is a terrible idea". Rude and unnecessarily offensive: "You are an idiot".

You can use it over a high latency flaky SSH connection surprisingly effectively. The notion of state-of-the-art is a red herring.

One stack will have 150 flaky looking quotes to do the whole project for $300, none of which stand out as inspiring much confidence. The other stack will have a single well written proposal, quoting a bit more than he'd expected to pay, but clearly from a guy who has done this before and can do it again.

I hope they fixed memory management - Lion is too swap happy and slow on a decent 3Gb RAM Core 2 MBP. Windows comparatively flies on the same machine but of course suspend resume is flaky and other Win-Mac integration annoyances mean it's not a win-win.

, and anything that interacts with X11 tends to be flaky. And the use of binary packages is still very spotty, so a simple install, if it pulls in big library dependencies, might spawn an hour or two of compilation, rather than a few minutes of installation.

The company was designing a marketing campaign for Nokia, but we were having major problems with the firewall software, which made for a very flaky Internet connection. Long story short, my manager disabled the firewall and we were hacked that night.

I've actually been conditioned so thoroughly by flaky forum software to ctrl-a-c on every post before submit that I don't even think about it and sometimes I'm surprised when I paste later and get whacked with a giant forum post.

Previously, every article in every version of Wikipedia had a long list of links to every other version of that article, maintained by a small army of flaky bots that clogged up edit histories and often stepped on each others' toes. Now, there's a single Wikidata node that has the single mapping of what article corresponds to what, reflected across all Wikipedia versions.

When, for example, a Word plug-in makes a call to Word's object model, this goes through easily 10 software layers until it reaches its target, some of these layers being configured via the flaky Windows registry, others going through jumps from VM-based to native code using weird "marshalling" techniques, etc... in these cases, you may encounter buggy behavior in any one of the 10 layers, or in a combination of two of them, even if it seems like you are just incrementing a simple counter.

Flaky definitions


made of or resembling flakes; "flaky soap"

See also: flakey


made of or easily forming flakes

See also: flakey


conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual; "restaurants of bizarre design--one like a hat, another like a rabbit"; "famed for his eccentric spelling"; "a freakish combination of styles"; "his off-the-wall antics"; "the outlandish clothes of teenagers"; "outre and affected stage antics"