Fineness in a sentence as a noun

Moka pot fineness is about as fine as a rhino grinder can do

In one video he loads debris into a dump truck using a front loader with great fineness.

I see. But you basically only tweak grind fineness and amount per cup?

Be aware that grind fineness is just one axis, and a VitaPrep can actually overdo this.

Depending on the beans, their age, the weather, etc., the fineness for grinding and how tightly you packed the portafilter would vary.

The fineness and complexity of the reconstructed depth field is unparalleled.

I grind my own beans to my desired fineness, add my own amount of beans to my taste at the moment, and typically brew like 4 shots worth out of the same tamped unit.

It's just that ability to fly in inclement weather is something you need to design for -- rocket bodies are generally not strong against transverse loads, and this is made worse by having a high fineness ratio.

> Coffee hacking question: If I got a grinder capable of grinding beans to the fineness needed for a moka pot, would I notice a significant difference in taste?Coffee starts losing aroma quickly after grinding.

If you had a good coin and cut a piece to pay for a small amount you'd lose value - you can't immediately the fineness of unminted gold, and your merchant knows it, and you'd end up with a bad coin, the weight of which is not immediately clear.

Fineness definitions


the quality of being very good indeed; "the inn is distinguished by the fineness of its cuisine"

See also: choiceness


the property of being very narrow or thin; "he marvelled at the fineness of her hair"

See also: thinness


having a very fine texture; "the fineness of the sand on the beach"

See also: powderiness


the quality of being beautiful and delicate in appearance; "the daintiness of her touch"; "the fineness of her features"

See also: daintiness delicacy