Financial in a sentence as an adjective

They started off with a wave of national press as well as solid financial support from grassroot users.

I admire OP's financial project and appreciate his sharing it.

They went after US banking firms and financial firms that do international business.

Ostensibly they are ensuring the function of the financial system.

You managed to get away without actually triggering it, so far, but you were pushing a lot of financial risk onto other people.

I'm not trying to be hyperbolic but that's really shocking for a company that is trying to play a role as a financial institution.

I have friends who are still in the industry, deploying vast computational and financial resources to make money.

Despite understanding the financial markets better than most, I never trade individual stocks.

The price system in financial and real estate markets is completely insane and basically non-functioning.

Apple will continue to treat their developers like second class citizens until there is a financial incentive to do otherwise.

Instead of focusing how OpenSSL can pull in, let me pick a number, $800k in revenue in the next year, they immediately zero in on $70 of Paypal fees as the organization's leading financial problem.

They just want to cash out so that they can have their financial freedom and then go out of the limelight and back to doing the same things they enjoy but without having to constantly worry about job security and putting food on the table.

Financial definitions


involving financial matters; "fiscal responsibility"

See also: fiscal