Figurine in a sentence as a noun

I was going to say, if you buy the right figurine, you can give the client a moon-pony.

Would be akin to using a band saw to make an intricately carved figurine.

When Tarantino noticed the figurine on the mantle, he jumped up from the sectional couch.

And you can go full-circle by scanning yourself into Minecraft and then making a you-figurine.

I couldn't find any pricing information for printing a figurine on the website.

Sometimes these bags were stashed inside a figurine or some other object, and sometimes they were slipped inside the pages of a magazine.

There's a chap in Japan who's managed to get it running for his figurine fan website, which is impressive mostly because my documentation is so shockingly bad :D

Now, however, I'm building a MVP of an idea I've had in mind for a while where you can design a figurine of your kid/friend/partner/whatever and get it 3d printed -- WebGL makes it simple and easy.

Figurine definitions


a small carved or molded figure

See also: statuette