Fighting in a sentence as a noun

Very few litigants can do that and, indeed, Newegg is to be commended for fighting this all the way against tough odds.

As an individual, you're right, it's tough to do much on your own, since no individual has the same stamina as the forces that we're fighting.

But showing support for groups that are fighting these longer battles is the best way to see some real action, even if it takes a while to incubate.

Maybe it's just me, but millionaires fighting other millionaires for WordPress admin status makes for little sympathy.

****, I'm even done with sketchy torrent sites, and different scene groups fighting over who gets to release what, and a billion codecs and formats.

> Couldn't they pick a more sympathetic guy to talk about"The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels.

A fire engineer to design the fire escape strategy and help negotiate the fire fighting strategy with the local fire brigade.

Fighting in a sentence as an adjective

America is a capitalist society and therefore you are fighting that as a concept - not the patent industry.

Eventually, I wound up not pursuing the matter in court--talking it over with my attorney, it became quite clear that the legal fees of fighting them would be ruinous.

Those that had spent all of their time fire-fighting the messes created by the energetic yet clueless brigade of novices.> Many companies want to own your work even when youre off the clock.

Ebooks are more profitable, but it's a more difficult market to control, so publishers are fighting Amazon and doing what they can to slow ebook adoption as much as possible.

As a consequence of Lavabit fighting, they likely got slapped with some pretty harsh contempt of court rulings, including a demand to record all private keys needed for decryption going forward.

They don't want to challenge the government, they don't want to question it, not even when it's clearly violating it's own most important rules - the rules that, presumably, we've been fighting to promote these last 200 years.

And tech-inspired sales and distribution methods in this and a broad swath of other fields will mean that those seeking to limit consumer choice by protecting local turf through bureaucratic pull will be fighting what will ultimately prove to be a losing battle.

Fighting definitions


the act of fighting; any contest or struggle; "a fight broke out at the hockey game"; "there was fighting in the streets"; "the unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap"

See also: fight combat scrap


engaged in or ready for military or naval operations; "on active duty"; "the platoon is combat-ready"; "review the fighting forces"

See also: active combat-ready