Fictionalize in a sentence as a verb

The entire thing comes across as fictional or fictionalized.

Do you think he fictionalized his account so that hundreds of years later you'd have a stronger argument on HN lol?

Utopian societies just aren't that fun to fictionalize, even though they're more fun to live in.

I prefer to handwave over such things: if it's not exciting to look at, then just don't depict it rather than fictionalize it.

Yeah, I remember seeing the FaceBook moving and thinking "Did they fictionalize Shawn Fanning's name or something?

Incidentally, I think it's stronger in this fictionalized form than as it would have been as a straight-up autobiography.

In fact, not only are many such memories lost for good, even the memories we do have are often quasi-fictionalized reconstructions.

The notion that hearing three crying babies every night is just how it works is only true in hollywood movies which fictionalize poverty in the inner city.

There are countless fictionalized portrayals of the "good guys" participating in torture and not only remaining good but also getting benefit from it.

This movie seems a lot more like character assassination than either fictionalized storytelling or documentary.

But I have a feeling it didn't go down quite like this, but rather the conversation and overall tone have been fictionalized to better illustrate the underlying message of this post: proper management and organization are crucial for a good work environment.

DeLoache and Gottlieb, both professors at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, have gathered fictionalized accounts, based on factual information and including a brief description of the culture, of how various societies throughout history and the world think their offspring should be raised.

Fictionalize definitions


make into fiction; "The writer fictionalized the lives of his parents in his latest novel"

See also: fictionalise retell


convert into the form or the style of a novel; "The author novelized the historical event"

See also: novelize novelise fictionalise