Fictionalization in a sentence as a noun

That seems more like a fictionalization of "Reflections on Trusting Trust" than a true story.

I was just watching season two of Manhattan, a fictionalization of the US atom bomb project.

Yes, Galois is also a great example of fictionalization.

Roots was advertised as a fictionalization of Haley's family lore.

They like being seen as heroes, even if the facts are stretched, but if they are shown less gloriously, they complain about the fictionalization aspect...

SciFi authors Kim Stanley Robinson's 'Antarctica' is also great, although I don't know how his fictionalization compares to the real thing.

I avoided watching "U571" because of the fictionalization.

Some guys at computers building a web-app just isn't that exciting to people without a lot of fictionalization or likening it to something more exciting.

The fact checking and world making is something I'm also studious about when working on fictionalization of actual events or trying to establish a believable world.

I wonder how often the figures that get flashed around about how much money Hollywood is losing due to piracy are drawn directly from these fictionalizations created for an entirely separate purpose.

A good fictionalization of the events surrounding technological change undermining the existing social order, at least in the late 19th century, is Dostoyevsky's "The Devils".

It was a fictionalization of actual contemporary military experiences into a future sci-fi setting.

Assuming the story is true, and not as mentioned elsewhere, a fictionalization of Reflections on Trusting Trust, the person in question most likely didn't have a standalone system that he could wipe, and didn't have copies of the OS media to install.

"Derivative work" is defined in the Copyright Act: [1]"A 'derivative work' is a work based upon one or more preexisting works, such as a translation, musical arrangement, dramatization, fictionalization, motion picture version, sound recording, art reproduction, abridgment, condensation, or any other form in which a work may be recast, transformed, or adapted.

Fictionalization definitions


a literary work based partly or wholly on fact but written as if it were fiction

See also: fictionalisation


writing in a fictional form

See also: fabrication fictionalisation