Fictional in a sentence as an adjective

While I did make a big dongle joke about a fictional piece hardware that identified as male, no sexual jokes were made about forking.

" And if this market making strategy were to go wrong and MtGox loses too much fictional USD currency they could simply reverse the trades!

You just compared the reaction of viewers of a theatrical event in a fictional action movie to reality.

What raganwald's fictional letter shows is that inspecting private Facebook posts means that both job functions are compromised far more than helped.

This incentivises them to create US dollars "out of thin air" for their own trading account and then use those fictional US dollars to buy Bitcoin from MtGox customers.

Just in case it is not obvious: These rejection letters are fictional[1], created as collage of negative reviews Santini received.

Just to be clear, this is a fictional scenario demonstrating a potential absurd situation that could arise from dragnet surveillance.

We're changing that, because we're being allowed to for now, and we're here to tell you about it."Ballmer: "I know, let's have a bunch of kids at CES promoting this fictional younger / hipper image because Apple is destroying us."

However, those who frequent Hacker News should know that these people will find talented others who are capable of dealing with their social immaturity and will end up co-founding their own company and, unencumbered by the enforced social niceties of this fictional society, may very well end up becoming a dominant player and returning to the status quo.

Fictional definitions


related to or involving literary fiction; "clever fictional devices"; "a fictional treatment of the train robbery"


formed or conceived by the imagination; "a fabricated excuse for his absence"; "a fancied wrong"; "a fictional character"

See also: fabricated fancied fictitious