Fealty in a sentence as a noun

Perhaps if yahoo swears fealty to ebay then they too can benefit the same way paypal has.

Mayhap 'from' would be a proper fealty to the god of english language parsimony, in substitution.

And these towns, even though they might be surrounded by the lands of Polish lords, wouldn't necessarily maintain fealty to the Polish king.

[edit: or because the CEO is a paranoid psychopath and wants to scorch the earth, enforce fealty, and redact the founder from the company history.

To what Silicon demon legion did you pledge fealty to summon this coding abomination upon an unsuspecting land?

The original origin of the "obsession with home ownership" was the idea of escaping the need to pay fealty to the rentier class by owning your own home.

The definition certainly does not include fealty to state power, let alone respect for Obama or any political party.

The universal thing about most of these people is that if they believe that everyone should only think of themselves then they cannot be trusted, yet people continue to hand them money and fealty.

"civilization" and modern life has perhaps allowed people to be able to identify with several tribes at once, but the general structure of tribal membership is still the same - strong loyalty/fealty to the group you are in, and lesser consideration for other groups in the same sphere.

Fealty definitions


the loyalty that citizens owe to their country (or subjects to their sovereign)

See also: allegiance