Fatten in a sentence as a verb

Feedlots use corn to fatten the beef herd before slaughter.

I think anti-smoking was done to fatten a bottom line.

The other two have fatten enough on wasteful government contracts.

This isn't for your ATM card or your driver's license, it's for those random cards that you either never carry or fatten up your wallet.

They fatten their short term margins while erasing their companies long term viability.

> Grains not good for anything except acting as an "energy drink" to fatten up livestock animals.

How exactly does antibiotics fatten animals up for slaughter?

Maybe the fundamental problem is my stomach only holds two pounds of solid food, and two pounds of healthy food can't fatten you up, but two pounds of junk food most certainly can.

He's saying that the strong thief prefers a world in which low level thievery is guarded against because it makes targets fatten themselves up believing themselves to be safe.

More or less on a dare I found I started feeling sick after the second pound of steak couldn't finish the third, and a daily diet of that doesn't contain enough calories to fatten me, only 1500 for two.

But if the .com and .gov make a lot of money promoting corn chips, it doesn't matter that corn is terrible for mammals other than fattening up livestock on the farm, there's money to be made, pork those babes up with corn chips.

Fatten definitions


make fat or plump; "We will plump out that poor starving child"

See also: plump