Fatness in a sentence as a noun

There are a couple reasons I DO have a problem with people making fun of 'fatness.

Worry about the fatness of the pig, not the glossof the lipstick.

Hopefully it's by choice and he doesn't blame his parents for his beard and fatness anymore.

You can get rats to overfeed to fatness on chocolate Ensure.

Because fatness is ammount of business logic, not ammount of lines of code.

People, including children, with thicker bones and/or more muscle will have higher BMI regardless of fatness.

It seems that even more money could be saved by excluding drug adicts and those who are so fat that their fatness interfere with their treatment.

So it's at best a poor proxy for fatness, not the One True Measurement that so many people use it for.- BMI is an especially poor measure for children.

The fact that this definition doesn't include the word "fat" ought to be a clue that it won't be entirely successful as a measure of a person's fatness.

If I were to optimize the interpreter, I would start with specialized bytecodes, that avoids fatness of the bytecodes first.

Is there some subconscious need to make fat people's fatness a character flaw?As someone that was fat my whole life, then lost over 50bs to visual abs, I noticed that people aren't fat or skinny, they have fat or they don't.

But I've struggled with "skinny-fatness" for much of my life, and this particular combination made a remarkable improvement on my physique without any changes in my exercise routine.

If you want to make it into a contest of "strength" I would have to mock them for their intelligence, their income, their boring jobs, the fatness of their girlfriends, how small they have to make their worlds to feel big inside them... that doesn't sound very attractive, does it?

Fatness definitions


excess bodily weight; "she disliked fatness in herself as well as in others"

See also: blubber avoirdupois