Fated in a sentence as an adjective

For some reason, a Game of Thrones themed wedding feels ill fated.

We didn't win, but someone who produced Anderson Cooper's ill-fated daytime talk show was a judge, and passed us along to his team.

It seems that we're fated to see every conspiracy theory on hn eventually.

Can't help but feel Ouya's sitting in a niche that someone's going to snap up in 6 months or so like the iPad did to the ill-fated crunchPad/JooJoo.

All of which begs a question: if our rare giants are doomed to fall and our startups are fated to exit outside of Canada, what sort of tech sector do we really have?

I've never heard him yell,"I beg to differ, it is like J. Edgar Hover, who could not be removed from his post as FBI director simply because he had files on everyone who might attempt such an ill fated move, including Presidents - especially Presidents.

Fated definitions


(usually followed by `to') determined by tragic fate; "doomed to unhappiness"; "fated to be the scene of Kennedy's assassination"

See also: doomed