Fascinate in a sentence as a verb

I love that Mars continues to baffle, astound, and fascinate us.

These people fascinate me, having a feedback loop that is unbreakable.

He would have been very pleased to see his basic ideas continue to fascinate people almost 50 years later.

The geeky bits of which would absolutely fascinate all the technical minds of Hacker News.

Intro courses should inspire, fascinate, and fill students with excitement about their journeys ahead in their field.

Solving stupidly hard problems that fascinate 'em, fostered by great management, and being compensated very well for their trouble.. I know others who have worked at large tech focussed companies that have had bloody awful stories of management idiocy.

Fascinate definitions


cause to be interested or curious

See also: intrigue


to render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe; "The snake charmer fascinates the cobra"

See also: transfix grip spellbind


attract; cause to be enamored; "She captured all the men's hearts"