Fasces in a sentence as a noun

It is no coincidence that the rods in fasces were birch.

Just like the symbol of fasces was only used in ancient Rome and has no other meaning?

Well, I'll certainly admit we do have a lot of fasces in our government symbology.

I'm sure if someone decided to wear a tshirt with a fasces in it you'd agree... but since this is on the other side of the spectrum of politics, you disagree.

"> Is there any chance to not being depressed with all of that stats?These are deaths of effectively random chance, not of systematic persecution riding on the back of nationalism waving a fasces.

Le Corbusier's unrealised plan to sweep away Haussmann's Paris and replace it with tower blocks reminds me of Speer's plan to do the same with Berlin, although Speer was aiming for kitch neoclassical rather than modern - can't have fascism without fasces on every building.

Fasces definitions


bundle of rods containing an axe with the blade protruding; in ancient Rome it was a symbol of a magistrate's power; in modern Italy it is a symbol of fascism