Famish in a sentence as a verb

I believe someone famish like Martin Fowler did a few years back. > You are way too attached to your code.

故天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。 人恒过,然后能改。困于心,衡于虑,而后作;征于色,发于声,而后喻。 A rough translation: Thus when Heaven is about to place such an important mission on the shoulders of these people, it first must hardship their hearts, tire their sinews and bones, famish their skin and flesh, impoverish their bodies, and foil their actions. Through this Heaven can move their hearts and impart patience upon their personalities, thereby improving their weaknesses.

> I've noticed that once you get past the first "hump" of hunger pangs, famish subsides into the background, and I'd imagine it is at this point where the metaphorical "adrenaline" dosage is injected by nature to make available the bodies reserve energy to get through inevitable temporary nutrient deficiency back in our hunter-gatherer days. I haven't personally fasted as such in this manner but was always quite fascinated and am quite fascinated by how various Muslim colleagues and friends are able to do it during the summer with 45 degree heat and so on.

I've noticed that once you get past the first "hump" of hunger pangs, famish subsides into the background, and I'd imagine it is at this point where the metaphorical "adrenaline" dosage is injected by nature to make available the bodies reserve energy to get through inevitable temporary nutrient deficiency back in our hunter-gatherer days.

Famish definitions


be hungry; go without food; "Let's eat--I'm starving!"

See also: starve hunger


deprive of food; "They starved the prisoners"

See also: starve


die of food deprivation; "The political prisoners starved to death"; "Many famished in the countryside during the drought"

See also: starve