Falsify in a sentence as a verb

"falsify" means "to forge or alter as to deceive," not disprove.

They absorb delays as if it were their own fault and falsify logs to compensate.

Tests don't seem to make people better at doing science--that is, people test the happy-case and don't try and falsify.

I don't think much can help you if you are dealing with an officer who is willing to lie and falsify evidence in order to convict you.

For example:...Not encouraging children to falsify their age information, for example, by stating that visitors under 13 cannot participate on your website or should ask their parents before participating.

Similarly to how the Ministry of Truth's job is to spread propaganda and falsify history in the novel, this Office of Legal Compliance department's job is to ask themselves, "How far can we push the envelope toward being illegal, but still remain within legal boundaries?

Falsify definitions


make false by mutilation or addition; as of a message or story

See also: distort garble warp


tamper, with the purpose of deception; "Fudge the figures"; "cook the books"; "falsify the data"

See also: fudge manipulate fake cook wangle misrepresent


prove false; "Falsify a claim"


falsify knowingly; "She falsified the records"


insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby

See also: interpolate alter