Falseness in a sentence as a noun

There is, to my mind, a falseness to them that is disturbing.

People were complaining about the falseness and emptiness of life back then too!

If they can internalize this idea, then you can move on to trying them on the caveats and details and levels of falseness and etc etc etc.

Speaking as a Ruby user, I think nil and the entire behaviour around truthyness and falseness are wrong.

I was merely trying to argue against the soothing falseness of “Technology is inherently neutral.”.

I had a nervous breakdown in high school after realizing the falseness of my quest I had around accomplishments and achievements.

There is absolutely no statement that can be proven in standard math about the integers whose truth depends on the truth or falseness of Banach-Tarski.

Falseness definitions


the state of being false or untrue; "argument could not determine its truth or falsity"

See also: falsity


unfaithfulness by virtue of being unreliable or treacherous

See also: faithlessness fickleness inconstancy


the quality of not being open or truthful; deceitful or hypocritical

See also: insincerity hollowness