Exudate in a sentence as a noun

And when they're, you know, ten, with a sore throat, some cervical lymph node tenderness, no cough, no tonsillar exudates?

It takes significant energy to produce the root exudates that encourage and feed the specialized symbiotic bacteria that will fix some amount of nitrogen for the roots.

This began a period of lucrative trade between Egypt and Europe, and suppliers substituted rare mummia exudate with entire mummies, either embalmed or desiccated.

The plants that 'stopped' producing these exudates and used the available energy in structural fitness / robust seed production were able to compete more effectively as a species over a larger area.

Exudate in a sentence as a verb

Then the main target of innovation becomes, what forest management techniques can maximize that time variable?By default about half of a tree's absorbed carbon is injected into the ground to build soil, as root mass and root exudates.

Due to the high degree of similarity between the brachial gland exudate of slow lorises and the Fel d 1 allergen in domestic cats, the anaphylactic shock expressed by victims is probably just a reaction to the exudate's allergen.

Beginning around the 12th century when supplies of imported natural bitumen ran short, mummia was misinterpreted as "mummy", and the word's meaning expanded to "a black resinous exudate scraped out from embalmed Egyptian mummies".

This included increased root density, achieved through changes in morphology rather than biomass allocation, suggesting the plants limited the energetic cost of their behaviour.>Because the overwhelming majority of plants are predominantly mycorrhizal in situ, any root exudates involved in kin recognition are likely to be filtered through mycorrhizal fungi.

Exudate definitions


a substance that oozes out from plant pores

See also: exudation


release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities; "exude sweat through the pores"

See also: exude transude ooze