External in a sentence as a noun

He would need no external pushing to learn.

Work has consumed life. I don't know too many people with external interests beyond work.

There were a lot of wacky ones around externalizing services, but not as many as you might think.

In his view, the only way to get rid of depression would be to allow this anger to express itself against the actual external force.

People like to think that the reason their restaurant is doing poorly is some external problem they have no control over, rather than because they.

Overall, the process doesn't deviate too far from "write it, review it, commit it", when it comes to being an external contributor.

We don't do internal service-oriented platforms, and we just as equally don't do external ones.

If my eBook were in a format devoid of DRM & I could back it up by saving it in Droppbox or my external hard drive, then your argument would carry some weight.

For instance, spking's post is lamenting a self-inflicted anxiety about how his life appears from an external perspective.

External in a sentence as an adjective

Add to that the external pressure of peers who make it big, do "great things", and the river of marketing telling you that you need fancier watches, shinier cars, the newest iPhone.

To use templating that image has to be shrunk, the quality you get through from external sources if often extremely poor, a reality he doesn't seem to have considered.

Because almost everything all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.

However, just to be extra cautious weve temporarily disabled external resource loading while we explore alternatives.

All these data structures are explained first as chunks of data with external functions for the operations; then a second time as objects with methods for operations, once object orientation is introduced in week 5 or 6.

For example, he was the driving force behind Rust's recent widespread switch from internal iterators to external iterators, and wrote most of the external iterator libraries himself.

This one isn't showcased so strongly - this isn't a pressing issue by any measure - but they still took the time to respond to it and make a brief, informative, and actually engaging video about it, without some external "we screwed up, sorry" event.

It's the kind of language a lawyer would use to qualify a patent clause.- We do not provide direct access to our servers.- We do not provide direct access nor is there a backdoor.- O, but we do still pipe all of your data to external NSA servers.

External definitions


outward features; "he enjoyed the solemn externals of religion"


happening or arising or located outside or beyond some limits or especially surface; "the external auditory canal"; "external pressures"


coming from the outside; "extraneous light in the camera spoiled the photograph"; "relying upon an extraneous income"; "disdaining outside pressure groups"

See also: extraneous outside


from or between other countries; "external commerce"; "international trade"; "developing nations need outside help"

See also: international


purely outward or superficial; "external composure"; "an external concern for reputation"- A.R.Gurney,Jr.