Exterior in a sentence as a noun

?The weirdest one yet was when me and some friends were leaving the US, we got to the airport, and passed some sort of exterior baggage drop.

A strafing run from the GAU-8 will absolutely shred the tracks, gun, and exterior sensors of anything it comes near.

Chlupp makes use of multiple glazings, window setbacks, and _exterior_ thermal shutters to minimize moisture buildup on windows.

I don't get why Uber doesn't tell me the exterior color of UberX cars coming to pick me up. I have no idea what a "Nissan Versa" is; knowing it's a blue minivan would be helpful.

The '5S' has the much more expensive exterior parts, plus new chip designs inside as well as bigger camera sensor and TouchID parts.

You wipe down everything you touch?Which makes me wonder, aren't one's finger prints all over your iPhone exterior anyway.

It is merely a rehash of old technologies packed into a slick exterior and heavily marketed.

Exterior in a sentence as an adjective

And he also mentioned the possibility of printed shock-absorbing parts between the printed exterior and the chassis.

As a patient, one can learn to separate oneself from one's mood, so that feeling miserable doesn't have to be attributed to an objective exterior cause.

Marc Aurel:If something in the exterior world makes you discontent, then it is not that object which troubles you, but rather your judgement of it; yet to blot out this judgement instantly is within your power.

What's different about the Google Prius versions is that they look almost practical, if you squint just a little bit, just minimized the sensors a little bit more it could even fit within a car's stylish exterior.

It is a state of bliss, a participation mystique, a connectedness with both the interior and exterior universes, which has come about after the ingestion of a psychedelic drug, but which is not necessarily repeatable with a subsequent ingestion of that same drug.

Moreover, the text of the proposed bill, "A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor if such person knowingly creates or assists in creating an image of the exterior of any residential dwelling in this state where such image is created by or with the assistance of a satellite, drone, or any device that is not supported by the ground.

Exterior definitions


the region that is outside of something

See also: outside


the outer side or surface of something

See also: outside


situated in or suitable for the outdoors or outside of a building; "an exterior scene"; "exterior grade plywood"; "exterior paints"