Exploiter in a sentence as a noun

She's not selling out, she's just another exploiter.

Then the exploiter could purchase them at their lower valuation.

The "exploiter" will just thow around a quick hack so that it works correctly, in about 1/5 of the time.

As others have mentioned they have gone all in as an exploiter of their demographic data.

"Job Creator" vs. "exploiter of the proletariat" - Now, to me?

> As others have mentioned they have gone all in as an exploiter of their demographic dataOh, and exploit it they will.

But, if your computer is exploited the exploiter could still obtain your brain wallet if you use it on that computer.

That just makes participating in the exploitation is a rational choice by the one being exploited -- it doesn't make it a moral choice by the exploiter...

The imagination of a Microsoft engineer quite clearly is no equal to the imagination of a creative exploiter.

I recently quit my job at Paramount, a key member of the "most unscrupulous of all the industrial conglomerates" and rampant exploiter of "artists they pretend to represent.

One is that he's a mastermind media manipulator/intelligence operator/exploiter of immigration laws/meticulous planner of a fugitive.

I felt bad for Zynga employees who got screwed earlier since that was the first breach of trust by their CEO and it was still unclear if Zynga was something other than a game-copying exploiter of economically disadvantaged people through game mechanic trickery.

Exploiter definitions


a person who uses something or someone selfishly or unethically

See also: user