Exploitation in a sentence as a noun

They love to exaggerate child sex exploitation as much as your service did.

Bandying about words like ‘exploitation’ is, frankly, cheap.

There are those on this board who benefit from this exploitation and thus will pick at points in this article, in this post and so on.

" When you're free and automatable, you are the weakest link on the Internet for possible exploitation.

I'd like to ask these "humanitarians against exploitation" where they were yesterday when those homeless people didn't get $20.

From here, exploitation is obvious; I got SSH up and running in no time and had a beautiful little ARM Linux box at my disposal.

Because the guys who architected this repugnant exploitation machine already got paid.

In inefficient markets, you end up with huge or state-owned companies, like in natural resource exploitation or the third world.

Then why don't these warm hearted humanitarians against exploitation do something about it?!

Why wouldn't they, they're the ones who parasitically benefit from this expropriation and exploitation.

They seemed to be throwing a null in at the first instance of a semicolon or other special characters, cutting off your command and preventing exploitation.

"When a young woman is in desperate need of money and a wealthy man comes along and uses that vulnerability to get sex, that's the definition of exploitation.

"Seems like you could also say: "When a man is in desperate need of sex and a young woman comes along and uses that vulnerability to get money, that's the definition of exploitation.

You could also say, "When a young man is in desperate need of money, and a wealthy corporation comes along and uses that vulnerability to get work, that's the definition of exploitation.

If private profiteers are allowed to exploit local citizens, it is strictly because the entity holding that power has deliberately chosen to set up an enforcement scheme that arms those predators with everything they need to conduct their exploitation.

Perhaps they only count as 'vulnerabilities' when they're practically exploitable, and practical exploitation has as an absolute prerequisite, discovery by malicious actors.

"Switzerland's ridiculous privacy laws"You mean those "ridiculous" kind of laws where peoples privacy is protected against media-exploitation during that equally ridiculous "presumption of innocence" bit that is part of due process?Those silly Swiss, not to allow mere allegations to destroy peoples lives.

And although the SFI has been well secured, putting user code in the same address space as the master process might make exploitation easier - this would be partially mitigated if the address of the user code could be hidden from it, but doing that would require additional overhead because addresses could no longer be stored directly on the stack.

"This incentivizes people to fix things quickly and preserves the reputational value of breaking into things without researcher-vendor relations getting adversarial when you announce something like "I harvested a couple dozen of your customers' API keys" or "Here's an exploitation roadmap you can follow in your browser" in a public forum.

Exploitation definitions


the act of making some area of land or water more profitable or productive or useful; "the development of Alaskan resources"; "the exploitation of copper deposits"

See also: development


an act that exploits or victimizes someone (treats them unfairly); "capitalistic exploitation of the working class"; "paying Blacks less and charging them more is a form of victimization"

See also: victimization victimisation using